CGを利用した西馬音内盆踊りの学習 -CGによる学習と実地講師による指導の比較
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The purpose of the present research was toexamme the effectiveness of using computergraphics (CG) for the instruction of one type ofdancing, Nishimonai Bon-Festival Dance, performedannually in Nishimonai, a small villagein Akita prefecture. An instructional materialwas specifically prepared for the present studyusing computer graphics called MotionCapture.The material was used to instruct the studentsof Akita University as to how to perform theNishimonai dance. Students first received instructionsby means of the CG. They were thengiven a chance to learn from a dancer, who inheritedthe traditional dancing. The post-instructionquestionnaire revealed the following effectivenessof the CG : 1) The CG-based material had a valuein helping students to 'warm-up' for the mainpart of the instruction. Nevertheless, the effectivenesswas limited in that it did not helpinstruct an intricate posture as well as complexmovements of various body parts that arerequired for dancing. 2) As the spatio-temporalrelationship of posture and movement is hard forstudents to learn only by watching the visualmaterial, CG would be helpful particularly forthose students who have gone through a liveinstruction and have already been motivated.3) The study suggested that despite the limitations,CG materials would be valuable for thefuture research, in that a variety of measurementdata and visual materials that are gathered bythe MotionCapture system would help instructorsdeepen their understanding in various fields,including musical instruments, folk arts, andmusicology as well as dancing.
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