3404 創造的工学設計支援システムの構築 : ボトムアップ思考プロセスに対する分析モデルの改善(OS3-2 設計プロセスのモデリングとマネジメント2)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Industrial designers are new-creating both function and attribute of product in the conceptual design process. Quality of product depends heavily on their creative thinking. Therefore, it is difficult that computer-aided system supports a creative and inventive thinking process. We proposed the methodology of Conceptual and inventive Design Support System (CDSS) for its difficulty and estimated this methodology to satisfy the requirement. As the result, we confirmed that the analysis model of bottom-up thinking process is difficulty. In this paper, we propose new analysis model by using contact and observer objects into use case diagram for this analysis process. Validity of this model is discussed through the benchmark problem.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-10-30
- 創造的工学設計支援システムの構築 : 第1報,創造的思考プロセスの体系化と適用(機械要素,潤滑,設計,生産加工,生産システムなど)
- 創造的工学設計支援システムの構築 : 第1報, 創造的思考プロセスの体系化と適用
- 5425 概念設計支援システムのための思考プロセス評価(G12-1 設計と最適化,G12 設計工学・システム)
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