2504 W2E/XVL, XVL を利用したネットワーク環境下での CAE 環境
- 論文の詳細を見る
We must structure new environment for aiding engineering based on network computation due to the progress of the network environment of the computer. We propose the concept of W2E (Web Engineering Environment) which is a engineering framework for aiding engineering based on network computation. For this framework we propose the master model WMM (Web Master Model). Its model uses XVL (eXtensible Virtual world description Language) which is a 3D model Web3D in XML (eXtensible Makeup Language). We made possible a solid model, CAE attributes (i.e. Load condition, boundary condition etc) and the expression of CAE result contour by using XVL for WMM. As a result, by using integrated W2E with WMM, we demonstrated that W2E could share easily WMM which gave comment information to the 3D model and the result of CAE between the design section, the analytic section and others section at Web.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-09-20
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