- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to construct a new model concerning uses and gratifications research. This study utilized the "Theory of Life Structure-Analysis of Actions in Life" (Aoi, 1971) because human behavior involved in uses and gratifications of mass media can be regarded as an act which occurs frequently in our lives. Based on the findings of the analysis of the actions in life, factors involved in the act of television viewing can be captured through the following four concepts: motives, roles, norms and goals. Reviewing prior mass communication research, television-viewing motives can be conceptualized into two types: instrumental and expressive. Roles can be conceptualized through interpersonal communication involvement formed in groups talking about television. Norms can be regarded as future orientation based on the concept of delayed rewards through mass communication. Goals can be regarded as 4 types of gratifications obtained by television. Based on the "Theory of Life Structure-Analysis of Actions in Life" (Aoi, 1971), the following figure may describes a more comprehensive model to further explicate uses and gratifications [figure] The survey was conducted by a questionnaire method in January 2001. The subjects were 1572 Japanese junior high and high school students from the Tokyo, Chiba and Saitama prefectures. The total of valid responses was 1403. Through multiple regression analysis, the following relationships were found. Instrumental motives were linked positively to Information and Personal Relationships gratification. Expressive motives were linked positively to Personal Relationships, Interest, and Diversion gratifications. Upon television viewing, when one has a strong instrumental motive to adapt to the surrounding environment, the degree of Information gratification (gaining information about the world) becomes high. When one has a strong expressive motive, gratifications concerning interest or tension reduction become high. Instrumental and expressive motives both related with Personal Relationships gratification. Interpersonal communication involvement linked positively to Personal Relationships, Interest and Diversion gratifications. One can interpret that due to information exchange about television programs, the degree of these three gratifications are high. The audience is deeply involved through this kind of interpersonal relationship and therefore gains gratification through these three types. Furthermore these three types of gratification can be considered to be topic in interpersonal relationships that talk about television. Future orientation had a positive relationship with Information gratification and a negative relationship with Interest and Diversion gratification. Future orientation is therefore a factor that raises the degree of instrumental gratification (Information) and lowers the degree of expressive gratification (Interest, Diversion). The purpose of this study was to establish a new comprehensive framework concerning uses and gratifications studies and to clarify the relationship between the gratifications and other factors. Uses and gratifications studies have been criticized of having a weak theoretical research background. This study, based on the "Theory of Life Structure-Analysis of Actions in Life" presents a comprehensive model to further explicate uses and gratifications. Through indicating the relationships among the various factors and gratifications, this framework that can position television viewing in our lifestyle as an act of life.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
- 大学生の「ケータイ・コミュニケーション」にみられる男女差(教育工学・コミュニケーション)
- 大学生のケータイ・メールによるコミュニケーションにおける親密度と自己の開示に関する調査研究(教育政策研究:哲学,比較,開発)
- 「ケータイ・コミュニケーション」の逆機能に関わる要因の調査研究(視聴覚教育法)
- 「利用と満足」研究における受け手の能動性(視聴覚教育)
- 「利用と満足」モデル構築の試み(視聴覚教育)
- 子どものニューメディア行動におけるオピニオン・リーダーシップに関する実証的研究
- テレビ視聴による欲求充足に関する実証的研究 : 「接触強化の欲求」と「逃避・緊張緩和の欲求」の場合
- 子どものメディア利用と仲間集団との関係についての実証的研究(I-6部会 メディアと教育)
- 情報社会における能動的受け手像に関する研究 : テレビの「利用と満足」研究の視点から
- 4A8 e-L倶楽部を利用した常磐大学のコースウェア開発(教育支援システム,新しい教育の波)
- ケータイ・リテラシー教育に関する意識調査--ひたちなか市平磯地区生徒指導連絡協議会の調査報告
- 大学生のパソコンとケータイの利用パターンとケータイ利用スキルの関連性--ケータイ・デバイドの視点から
- eラーニングシステムと学部コースウェアの開発
- ケータイ・コミュニケーションの功罪とその対応に向けて (特集 子どもとケータイ)
- 人間科学部コミュニケーション学科での学びの動機測定尺度作成の試み
- 4C4 学生がコースウェアを作ることを主眼に置いた講義の展開(一般研究 高等教育の情報教育2,教育情報のイノベーション〜デジタル世代をどう導くか〜)
- 大学生のパソコンとケータイの利用形態とデジタル・デバイドに関わる要因
- 大学生のケータイ・メールによるコミュニケーション--メールの利用とケータイ・コミュニケーションの逆機能的側面との関連性
- メディア・リテラシー教育に対する教員の意識--日立市内の小中学校教員に対する調査結果の報告
- 大学生の情報通信技術オペレーション不安と「ケータイ・コミュニケーション」の逆機能的側面の実感との関連
- 地上デジタル放送の教育可能性
- 「ケータイ・コミュニケーション」の逆機能に関する研究
- 課題研究III:「メディア接触の現状と課題」