新衝突法を適用した超音速不足膨張噴流の三次元DSMC解析 : 平行噴流の相互干渉と矩形孔からの自由噴流(流体工学,流体機械)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A supersonic free jet through a multi-aperture circular orifice that induces plume-plume interaction or through a rectangular orifice is investigated by the DSMC method with an improved new collision scheme. When the DSMC method is applied to a continuum or a near continuum fluid, the most serious problem is that it is necessary to divide the flow-field into a network of cells the dimension of which is smaller than the local mean free path. At the meeting of the RGD23 and RGD24, Usami et al. has proposed a new intermolecular collision scheme (U-system) in which velocity components of a molecule are modified according to positions of a collision pair and it enables a large cell dimension. The collision scheme (U-system 3) proposed in the present paper conserves the total energy of each collision pair precisely during an intermolecular collision and improves the stability of the scheme.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-01-25
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