- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, we analyze the social function of the recovery process from hazards of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred at Jan. 17, 1995, based on "Social System Theory" proposed by Niklas Luhmann. What we discuss is the types of communication which were generated at the affected area in the recovery process and the way people join in these communications. And we propose a new standpoint that the recovery process from disaster has two types of social systems (communication systems): One is a "Disaster Reduction as a Social System" and another is a "Recovery from Hardship as a Social System". The disaster-reduction system is generated by the nexus of communication about disaster prevention and reduction. This type of communication is based on "anxieties". These anxious feelings come from a flood of information about the catastrophe provided by a press. When people witness a fearful image about the catastrophe through a mass media, they think if this catastrophic accident happens to us. Then the social anxiety has risen up. On the other hand, the recovery system is generated by the nexus of communication about past experiences of the disaster. This type of communication is based on "sympathies". These sympathetic feelings are born of sharing fear and sad experiences about the disaster. The victims of the disaster and participants share loss experiences, hardship and heartaches. This sharing is a source that helps the communication about the past experiences about the disaster. We take some examples of the communication media that helps communication to chain in the recovery system in the recovery process of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake: a mourning event named " 1.17 Meetings for remembering the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake", a song named "Song Brings Happiness" which was written on the morrow of the earthquakes, and some earthquake disaster memorial monuments. These media help the nexus of communication in the recovering system and the nexus of consciousness about the recovery from the catastrophe in the psychic system.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 2007-10-13
井庭 崇
井庭 崇
国友 美千留
井庭 崇
井庭 崇
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