Administration of Free Radical Scavenger Edaravone Associated With Higher Frequency of Hemorrhagic Transformation in Patients With Cardiogenic Embolism
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Free radicals are known to activate coagulation and inhibit fibrinolysis. Edaravone, a free radical scavenger, protects vascular endothelial cells and neurons during acute brain ischemia in in vitro models. Hemorrhagic transformation and treatment outcomes were retrospectively examined in 76 patients with acute cardiogenic embolism treated with edaravone in addition to routine treatment within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms. Hemorrhagic transformation was categorized according to European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study-II. Patient characteristics were also evaluated, including evidence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, history of smoking, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale on arrival, and modified Rankin scale at 3 months post-onset. Edaravone administration was one of the factors that contributed to increased frequency of hemorrhagic transformation, but had showed no significant relationship with the outcome. The present study showed that edaravone administration increased the frequency of hemorrhagic transformation with heparin in patients with cardiogenic embolism. Free radical scavenging may have promoted the coagulating conditions. Edaravone administration may allow reduction of the dose of heparin and tissue plasminogen activator in patients with acute ischemic stroke.
- 社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 2008-07-15
Katayama Y
Department Of Neurology Nephrology And Rheumatology Nippon Medical School
MISHINA Masahiro
Neurological Institute, Nippon Medical School Chiba-Hokusoh Hospital
Neurological Institute, Nippon Medical School Chiba-Hokusoh Hospital
Neurological Institute, Nippon Medical School Chiba-Hokusoh Hospital
Neurological Institute, Nippon Medical School Chiba-Hokusoh Hospital
FUKUCHI Takaharu
Neurological Institute, Nippon Medical School Chiba-Hokusoh Hospital
Neurological Institute, Nippon Medical School Chiba-Hokusoh Hospital
The Department of Neurosurgery, Nephrology and Rheumatology, Nippon Medical School
The Department of Neurology, Nephrology and Rheumatology, Nippon Medical School
Kimura Y
Molecular Imaging Center National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kimura Yuichi
国立循環器病センター研究所 放射線医学部
Mishina Masahiro
Positron Medical Center Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Gerontology
Mishina Masahiro
Mishina Masahiro
日本医科大学千葉北総病院 神経内科
Mishina Masahiro
放射線医学総合研究所分子イメージング研究センター 先端生体計測研究グループ
Mizuno Masaki
早稲田大学 人間科学研究科
Yamaguchi Keiichiro
東北大学 医学系研究科障害科学専攻高次機能障害学
Katayama Yasuo
日本医科大学 内科学第2
Teramoto Akira
Department Of Neurosurgery Nippon Medical School
Komaba Yuichi
Molecular Imaging Center National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Mizuno Masaki
Faculty Of Sport Sciences Waseda University
Komaba Yuichi
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Nippon Medical School
Teramoto Akira
The Department Of Neurosurgery Nephrology And Rheumatology Nippon Medical School
Fukuchi Takaharu
Neurological Institute Nippon Medical School Chiba-hokusoh Hospital
Kimura Yasuyuki
Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kimura Yuichi
Molecular Imaging Center National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kimura Yasuyuki
Department Of Nuclear Medicine And Tracer Kinetics Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Mishina Masahiro
Neurological Institute Nippon Medical School Chiba-hokusoh Hospital
Kominami Shushi
Department Of Neurosurgery Chiba Hokusoh Hospital Nippon Medical School
Kobayashi Shiro
Department Of Neurosurgery Neurological Institute Chiba Hokuso Hospital Nippon Medical School
Kobayashi Shiro
Department Of Neurosurgery Chiba Hokuso Hospital Nippon Medical School
Kominami Shushi
Neurological Institute Nippon Medical School Chiba-hokusoh Hospital
Kitamura Shin
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Nippon Medical School
Mizunari Takayuki
Department Of Neurosurgery. Neurosurgical Institute Chiba Hokuso Hospital Nippon Medical School
Kobayashi Shiro
Department Of Neurosurgery Nippon Medical School
Kobayashi Shiro
Neurological Institute Nippon Medical School Chiba-hokusoh Hospital
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