Decreased striatal D_2 receptor density associated with severe behavioral abnormality in Alzheimer's disease
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-10-01
山田 章吾
山田 章吾
山田 章吾
Katayama Y
Department Of Neurology Nephrology And Rheumatology Nippon Medical School
ISHII Hiroshi
Division of Hapatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East
Kimura Yuichi
国立循環器病センター研究所 放射線医学部
FUNAKI Yoshihito
Division of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
Yamaguchi Keiichiro
東北大学 医学系研究科障害科学専攻高次機能障害学
Yamaguchi K
Division Of Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Division of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
ITOH Masatoshi
Division of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
Takai Yoshihiro
Department Of Radiological Technology School Of Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine
Itoh Masatoshi
Tohoku Univ. Miyagi Jpn
Itoh M
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Itoh Masatoshi
Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Yanai K
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
TANAKA Yasuhiro
Division of 2nd Cardiology, National Hospital Organization Kagoshima Medical Center
Meguro K
Tohoku Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine
FUNAKI Yoshihito
Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
Itoh Masatoshi
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
山田 章吾
MEGURO Kenichi
Division of Neuropsychology, Department of Disability Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of
Division of Neuropsychology, Department of Disability Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of
Division of Nuclear Medicine, Cyclotron Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
Division of Neuropsychology, Department of Disability Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of
Division of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Cyclotron Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
Watanuki Shoichi
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Funaki Yoshihito
Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Yamadori Atsushi
Yamadori Atsushi
Division Of Neuropsychology Department Of Disability Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of M
Yamaguchi Satoshi
Yamaguchi Keiichiro
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Yamaguchi Keiichiro
Department Of Radiology Sendai Kousei Hospital
Yanai Kazuhiko
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Iwata Ren
Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
ISHII Hiroshi
Katayama Yasuo
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Yamada Shigeyuki
Department Of Urology Graduate School Of Medicine Tohoku University
Meguro Kenichi
Division Of Neuropsychology Department Of Disability Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of M
Yamaguchi Satoshi
Division Of Nephrology And Rheumatology Department Of Internal Medicine Aichi Medical University Sch
Tanaka Yasuhiro
Division Of 2nd Cardiology National Hospital Organization Kagoshima Medical Center
Iwata Ren
Division Of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
ISHII Hiroshi
Division of AIDS Vaccine Development, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
TANAKA Yasuhiro
Division of Neuropsychology, Department of Disability Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
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