Sexually Dimorphic Modulation of GABA_A Receptor Currents by Melatonin in Rat Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Neurons
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-10-01
Departments of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School
佐久間 康夫
佐久間 康夫
佐久間 康夫
Yin Chengzhu
Department Of Physiology Nippon Medical School
Teramoto Akira
Department Of Neurosurgery Nippon Medical School
KATO Masakatsu
Department of Physiology, Nippon Medical School
佐久間 康夫
日本医科大学 大学院医学研究科システム生理学分野
佐久間 康夫
Department of Physiology, Nippon Medical School
Department of Physiology, Nippon Medical School
Sakuma Yasuo
Department Of Physiology Nippon Medical School
Sakuma Yasuo
Sakuma Yasuo
Nippon Medical School
Sakuma Yasuo
Department Of Physiology I Nippon Medical School
Kato Masakatsu
Department Of Physiology Nippon Medical School
Kato Masakatsu
Department Of Physiology I Nippon Medical School
佐久間 康夫
佐久間 康夫
Sakuma Y
Nippon Medical School Tokyo Jpn
Sato Shun
Department Of Physiology Nippon Medical School
Teramoto Akira
Department Of Functional Polymer Science Shinshu University
Sato Shun
Department Of Innovative And Engineered Materials Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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- まとめ
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