86(P-6) 新規Cdc25A阻害天然物ピラノナフトキノン類の合成研究(ポスター発表の部)
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The novel pyranonaphthoquinones 1-4, isolated from the fermentation broth of Streptomyces sp., show moderate inhibitory activity against Cdc25A dual-specificity protein phosphatase, that plays a pivotal role in the regulation of the G_1/S phase transition in cell cycle. Furthermore, overexpression of the Cdc25A phosphatase correlates with a wide variety of cancers, especially breast cancer. Consequently, inhibitors of Cdc25A might be candidates for new chemotherapeutic agents to treat human cancers. We present the total synthesis of (±)-2, which has the representative structure of the four pyranonaphthoquinones. First, naphthalene derivative 9 was constructed from the known aldehyde 10, using Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction. Regioselective bromination, C-1 unit elongation, and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination successfully gave the α,β-unsaturated ester 13. After converting into 7, bromine-lithium exchange reaction, followed by rapid quenching with valeraldehyde and deprotection, provided 14 in good yield. Selective protection of the allyl alcohol, oxidation into a quinone, selective deprotection of the C-6 position, and insertion of a methylamino moiety gave naphthoquinone 18. Oxidation and intramolecular Michael addition for construction of the pyran ring system gave pyranonaphthoquinone 2. This synthetic route has no serious cis/trans isomerization at the C-8 and C-10 positions, which was observed upon treatment with strong acid and base at the final stage of the synthesis. Further optimization of the established route is undertaking. In addition, we synthesized some related analogues along the synthetic route of the natural pyranonaphthoquinone 2, and the Cdc25A enzyme inhibition assay was investigated. Several compounds showed much more activity of the Cdc25A phosphatase inhibition than the natural pyranonaphthoquinone derivatives 1-4. It has been revealed that the pyran ring system is not crucial for expression of Cdc25A inhibitory activity. Detailed investigation process will be discussed.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2004-10-01
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