P-86 天然有機化合物の合成を指向した芳香族化合物の酸化反応(ポスター発表の部)
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Electrochemical reaction is expected to be the next-generation of synthetic methodology for the environmentally-friendly protocol. We have utilized it as a key step to synthesize various Bioactive natural products. Consequently, we have synthesized a number of natural products by using anodic oxidation of phenolic compounds under one- or two-electron oxidation conditions. In this context. we established an effective conversion of spirocompounds electrochemically generated into the corresponding chroman skeleton, leading to heliannuols, allelopathogenic substances of sunflowers. In this study, we tried to synthesis various quinoline alkaloids by application of anodic oxidation to nitrogen-containing compounds. During investigation. we discovered that anodic oxidation of iodobenzene produced a similar or superior hypervalent iodine oxidant compered with such known oxidants as PIFA. Since dangerous and hazardous reagents would not be required except iodobenzene. this method would be economical and safer than conventional method. Construction of the quinoline skeleton was accomplished by using this oxidant effectively produced from iodobenzene. Additiorially. we could introduce substituents like Cl, Br, OAc at the C-8 position of quinoline derivatives. Synthesis of various quinoline alkaloids by using our methodology to produce quinoline skeleton was performed. We will present details of our research progress.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2007-08-24
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- 51 ブレイノリドの合成研究(口頭発表の部)
- 76 マイコトキシン類の合成
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- 87 動く植物の刺激伝達物質
- 広範囲な生物活性を示すキサントン型天然有機化合物マンゴスチン類の酸化反応
- 若い世代について感ずるままに
- P-86 天然有機化合物の合成を指向した芳香族化合物の酸化反応(ポスター発表の部)
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- 20 バスタジン類の合成
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- アサトン型ネオリグナンの結晶構造と分子内 [2+2] 光反応
- 大学生の海外留学(化学教育 徒然草)
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