18 メタロアントシアニン形成におけるキラル分子認識(口頭発表の部)
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Most blue flower color development is due to a metalloanthocyanin, a stoichiometric self-assembled supramolecular pigment consisting of six molecules of anthocyanin, six molecules of flavone and two metal atoms. On formation of metalloanthocyanin, very fine and strict molecular recognition, including chiral molecular recognition, occurs. The manner of stacking of the aromatic chromophores in metalloanthocyanin is chiral, and these phenomena must arise from a chirality of sugars attached to the anthocyanin and flavone. In the present report, chiral molecular recognition on formation of a metalloanthocyanin, protodelphin (1), a blue petal pigment of Salvia patens is described. The composition of 1 was determined to be six malonylawobanins (3), six apigenin diglucosides (2a) and two Mg^<2+>, and the structure was very similar to that of commelinin. We have developed a reliable glycosylation method for less reactive phenols in flavonoids utilizing new Lewis Acid-Base-Promoted-Glycosylation with the peracetylglucosyl fluoride, and succeeded in preparing natural and unnatural apigenin 7,4'-di-O-β-glucosides, substituted with D- and/or L-glucose. Using these synthetic apigenin derivatives reconstruction experiment was done. Protodelphin-like metalloanthocyanin was produced from only apigenin glycosides which contain D-glucose at the 4' position, indicating that the D-glucosyl residue at the 4'-OH is indispensable for formation of a metal complex pigment. The three flavone molecules in 1 associate to form a M (minus) helical structure just like a propeller with three blades. They are bound at the pivot point by a strong hydrogen bond network among hydroxyl groups of the 4'-O-β-D-glucopyranosides. The two sets of M-helical flavone associates fit closely into the vacant space formed from the metal-complex of six molecules of 3 and two ions of Mg^<2+>. In conclusion, malonylawobanin (3) chooses only the D-chirality of the 4'-O-glucosyl residue in apigenin 7,4'-diglucosides to form the metalloanthocyanin, protodelphin. This restrict chiral and structural recognition realizes the entire self-assembly of metalloanthocyanin and is responsible for the beautiful blue-flower color.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2001-09-01
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