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Many sweat damages were reported to have arisen due to solar radiation, during the bulk hay cube in dry container are in transit. Therefore it is important to know the distribution of temperature and humidity in the container. We carried out the experiment on the 1/3 model container, and measured the temperature and humidity. The top plate of model container was heated by the infrared bulb, and the way of heating was the periodic change whose range was from 73℃ to 24℃. The changes of temperature and humidity were discussed by the use of data obtained from the expeiment on the model container and the solution of simultaneous equations of heat and moisture, basing on one dimensional theory. The calculated values of temperature and humidity were in good agreement with the experimental ones. Using this simulation program, the calculation was made for the case when the adiabatic board was placed underneath the top plate of container. As the result, the board was found effective for the protection of sweat damage of cargo.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1982-08-25
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