- 論文の詳細を見る
The local attraction in Singapore strait and Malacca strait was investigated on board the Keiten Maru, Kagoshima University in 1970 and 1971. The following results were obtained ; 1) The existence of local attraction was confirmed in Singapore strait and Malacca strait. It has been deduced that there are no grave dangers, because the maximum value of local attraction is about 3゜ and the average value is about 0゜.7. 2) The local attraction is distributed as next stated ; It is Easterly in the region between 98゜-30'E and 102゜E, and westerly to the west of 97゜E and to the east of 104゜E, and there are both values in the regions between 102゜E and 104゜E and between 97゜E and 98゜-30'E. 3) It is believed that the east side of Sumatra and Pulau Penang are magnetized in Red, and the west side of Malay Peninsula and the Northern extremity of Sumatra are magnetized in Blue. 4) It is surmised that the variation in local attraction is affected by sea bottom topography.
- 公益社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1972-08-30
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