- 論文の詳細を見る
ZSCHOKKE's method of calculating erythrocytes in horses is widely used in field work for its simplicity. But considerable errors seem to be incidental to this method as has been pointed out by TANAKA et al. (1942) and SONODA (1950), provided that THOMA's hemacytometer method can give "real counts". For. the purpose of correcting such errors as far as possible and of shortening the measuring time to 1 hour, a new method, the modified ZSCHOKKE's 1-hour method, was devised by the present author. 1. Errors in the 2-hour method. The results of 70 measurements carried out by the current 2-hour method have been compared with those of the corresponding real counts, ranging from 1.46 to 8.36 million/mm^3. In most of anemia cases, the former results exceeded the latter at considerably high rates. In the cases with the real counts ranging between 4.00 and 6, 00 million/mm^3 the 2-hour method results fluctuated around the real counts with minor deviations, Many instances giving real counts. over 6.00 million/mm^3 showed a decreasing tendency of the 2-hour method results and the errors became a little greater. 2. The differencess between 1-hour and 2-hour scales of ZSCHOKKE's cylinder. In these differences the following tendencies have been observed : The higher the degree of anemia the smaller are these differences, and as erythrocytes increase in number the differences become, greater. Besides, it has been found that these tendencies are not affected by the sedimentation velocity of erythrocytes. In the 70 cases given above, the minimum difference was 0, the maximum 0.35, and the average 0.15 on the scale. 3. Modified ZSCHOKKE's 1-hour method and its result. The following method was suggested so as to improve the defects of the current 2-hour method and to shorten the measuring time to 1 hour. The number of erythrocytes is calculated by reducing the reading at exactly 1 hour after placing the blood in ZSCHOKKE's cylinder by 0.15 and multiplying the obtained value by 1.75 million/mm^3. Comparing , the results obtained byy this new method and the current 2-hour method with those obtained by the standard hemacytometer method, the author found that 16 cases out of 20 proved to be more correct in the 1-hour method against only 3 in the 2-hour one, while the remaining case was equal. This clearly shows that the new method is superior to the current one. It may be concluded, therefore, that the modified ZSCHOKKE's 1-hour method has a far more practical value than the current 2-hour method in economizing time and getting more correct results.
- 帯広畜産大学の論文
- 1951-03-25
- 40.十勝地方における馬流血中のミクロフィラリャ保有状况 (豫報)(第3囘帶廣畜産大學學術集談會記事)
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- 乳牛の卵胞嚢腫に関する研究 : I.卵胞嚢腫牛における副腎皮質機能,血中性スロイド値並びに血清蛋白像について
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- 乳牛卵胞嚢腫の治療法に関する研究.合成gonadotropin-releasing hormoneの応用,主として治療効果と血中progesterone値について
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- 6. 家畜生殖器粘液の結晶形成に関する研究 : 第III報 健康牝馬に於ける所見(補遺)(第7回帯広畜産大学学術集談会記事)
- 40. 家畜生殖器粘液の結晶形成に関する研究 : 第1報 健康牛,馬における所見(第5回帯広畜産大学学術集談会記事)
- 16. 乳牛の分娩生理に関する研究 : 第1報 分娩前後の血球の変化について(第5回帯広畜産大学学術集談会記事)
- 41.牛の小型ピロプラズマ病の1例(第3囘帶廣畜産大學學術集談會記事)
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