Quantum Computer (1996年度九州地区地域研究会:量子重力と量子宇宙論)
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In this talk I will give an introductory overview of the recent development of quantum computation which includes the factoring and the fault-tolerant error correctin.
- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 1997-01-20
Hosoya Akio
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Hosoya Akio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
- Stochastic Quantization and the Grivob Problem in Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
- How Many ``Times'' Do We Have In Quantum Gravity? : A Path-Integral Approach : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Topology Change by Quantum Tunneling in (2+1)-Dimensional Einstein Gravity : Invited Papers
- Dynamics of False-Vacuum Bubbles in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity : Astrophysics and Relativity
- (2+1)-Dimensional Classical Gravity with Point Sources in Maximal Slice : Particles and Fields
- Nonleptonic Kaon Decays, Current Algebra and Generalized Veneziano Model
- On Perturbation Expansion of Field Theory in Accelerated System and the Thermofield Dynamics : Particles and Fields
- A Comment on Quantum Fluctuations around Solitons
- Black Hole Radiation inside Apparent Horizon in Quantum Gravity : Astrophysics and Relativity
- (2+1)-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Case of Torus Universe : Particles and Fields
- Particle Creations by Expanding Universe and Suppression of Supercooling
- Quantum Non-Abelian Gauge Theory in Time-Dependent External Fields
- Quantum Non-Abelian Gauge Theory in Time-Dependent External Fields. II
- Gravitational Collapse in Painleve-Gullstrand Coordinates(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Time optimal quantum operation for mixed states (量子解析におけるミクロ・マクロ双対性--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- Path-Integral for a Colour Spin and Path-Ordered Phase Factor
- Non-Abelian Magnetic Charges
- Pion-exchange mechanism in the inclusive reaction γ十p→π-+anything
- Dual Potential and Magnetic Loop Operator
- A Baryon Number Generation Mechanism in the Expanding Universe
- Quantum Information and Space-Time(Frontiers of Quantum Physics)
- Quantization for Regge Slopes and ψ-Particles
- Quantum Computer (1996年度九州地区地域研究会:量子重力と量子宇宙論)
- Is Anisotropic Kaluza-Klein Model of Universe Chaotic ? : Particles and Fields
- Topology Change in Quantum Gravity
- Density Fluctuation in Extended Inflationary Universe : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Moving Mirror Effects in hadronic Reactions
- Regge-Slope Quantization and Deep-Region Behavior in Dual Resonance Models
- A Self-Consistent Formulation of Local Field Theory. II
- Quantum Brachistochrone(Fundamental Problems and Applications of Quantum Field Theory)
- |ΔI|=1/2 Rule for Nonleptonic Kaon Decays, Duality and Current Algebra
- Conformal Factor in Canonical Quantum Gravity (量子重力(研究会報告))
- Effective Quark Mass in an Expanding Bag
- On Vanishing of Energy-Momentum Tensor for a Class of Instanton-Like Solutions
- Sugawara's Current Theory and Chiral Lagrangian Theory