(2+1)-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Case of Torus Universe : Particles and Fields
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The (2+1)-dimensional pure Einstein gravity is studied in the canonical ADM formalism, assuming that the spatial surface is closed and compact. In the torus case for the spatial manifold we can do an explicit analysis. Owing to the constraints,the dynamical variables are reduced to the moduli parameters of the 2-surface. Upon quantization, the system becomes a quantum mechanics of moduli parameters in a curved space endowed with the Weil-Petersson metric. The superspace, on which the wave function of universe is defined, turns out to be the fundamental region in the moduli space. The solution of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation is explicitly given as the Maass form which is perfectly regular in the superspace.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1990-10-25
Department of Physics, Osaka University
Hosoya A
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Hosoya Akio
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Nakao Ken-ichi
Kek National Laboratory For High Energy Physics
NAKAO Ken-ichi
KEK, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics
Hosoya Akio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Research Institute for Theoretical Physics, Hiroshima University
Department of Physics, Osasa University
NAKAO Kenichi
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
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