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With the evolution of civil society, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has recieved greater attention and has become an important criterion for selecting products and services, as well as evaluating corporations. In order to improve management quality-and not only to give consumer satisfaction, but to inspire customers-one indispensable basic factor is to integrate into the process of business activities a high sense of ethics and fairness, as well as concern for human rights, the environment and society. In today's global society, all people believe it is increasingly important for corporations to take responsibility for their own actions and properly communicate their endeavors to a multitude of stakeholders. The rise of SRI is closely linked with the growth of key social and environmental movements over recent decades no comma which have shaped changes in society's values and concerns. Socially responsible investing is an investment process that considers the social and environmental consequences of investment, both positive and negative, within a rigorous financial analysis. It is a process of identifying and investing in companies that meet certain standards of CSR and is increasingly practiced internaionally. More and more fund managers have become interested in SRI. This is partly because of client demand, but also due to the shift in approarch from negative screening to a combination of both engagement and screening. The author discusses how Japanese corporations should contribute to the sound development of society by supplying quality products and services. In doing so, they must reinforce the importance of business ethics.
- 2005-12-25
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