- 論文の詳細を見る
'IT governance' is the main theme of this paper. IT governance may sound like an awfully abstract topic, but it has immediate and very concrete implications. IT governance is the Rosetta Stone that can enable executives and Chief Information Officers (CIO) to decipher many of the phenomena shaping the future of corporate business and the IT evolution. IT can also play a role in helping exectives and CIOs seek competitive strategic advantages. These problems include how to find and solve strategic business problems, how to use information systems to improve business integration, how to organize information resources, how information systems can provide a competitive advantage over rivals, and how much to invest in IT to attain the above-mentioned objectives. The author discussion concerns, (1) the implications of IT governance compared with the meaning of the corporate governance, (2) the mechanisms to realize IT governance, (3) exective's commitment to IT governance, (4) the trend of intelligent networking, (5) decentralization, autonomization, virtualization and collaboration, and finally (6) strategic thinking and familiarity concepts.
- 2003-12-25
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