ECモデルとインフォメディアリ : メガ・コンバージェンスによる新たな情報知識産業の創出
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Recently, Informediary one of the newest business models, has received increased attention in light of new management paradigms and techniques and knowledge that effective business-business and business-consumer (in other words, supplier-buyer) relationships will contribute to a firm's strategic success. According to many articles published in both practitioner and academic journals, it appears that the exchange and mediation of information between buyers and suppliers has played a more important role in the sphere of Electronic Commerce or e enterprise in the past few years. This article reviews two approaches to the verification of the model's behavioral and functional uniqueness by comparing the dot com business model, such as with the Informediary model. One approach is to compare the advantage and disadvantage of each with respect to the ownership of a firm's specific assets and facilities, the other, the capabilities of promoting and expanding more profit gainig opportunities. It concluded that Informediary will be a more popular and hopeful concept in coming the period.
- 四国大学の論文
- 1999-12-25
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