- 論文の詳細を見る
Network intelligence and modularity are the emerging terms that emphasize interactions among broadband, Internet and knowledge management. As Mohanbir Sawhney et. al (2001) point out, network intelligence is the Rosetta Stone that can enable executives and entrepreneurs to decipher many of the phenomena shaping the future of business. They also define network intelligence by its functionality ; its ability to distribute, store, assemble, or modify information. The objectives of this paper are firstly to create a systemic framework that is broad enough to represent a wide range of possible factors that may impact value trends in the network age. Secondly, this paper will explain how, within the framework the adoption of a modular approach to product and process architectures can greatly improve performance and power for knowledge management, especially focussing on the knowledge creation process in which tacit, explicit and morphogenic knowledge circulate spirally. Finally the author will discuss the implications of peer to peer (P 2 P) economies.
- 2002-12-25
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