長崎大学キャンパスの蘇苔類フロラ : フロラ多様性の視点から
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The bryophyte flora, the growth form, the liverwort index and the floristic diversity were investigated in the campuses of Nagasaki University, Nagasaki Prefecture. They were Bunkyou Campus (0.187km^2), Katafuchi Campus (0.060km^2) and Sakamoto Campus (0.108 km^2). The results were as follows: 1) A total of 117 bryophyte species (93 mosses, 23 liverworts and 1 hornwort) were observed in three campuses. 2) The three commonest species were Barbula unguiculata , Hypnum plumaeforme and Reboulia hemisphaerica subsp. orientalis. 3) The three commonest growth forms were loose mat form (Lm), short turf form (t) and thread-like form (T1). 4) The liverwort indexes of three localities did not exceed 20%. 5) A positive correlation was seen between the area and number of species. The regression equation was log y=0.348 log x+2.26, where y is the predicted number of species and x is the area (km^2). The correlation coefficient r was 0.969.
- 長崎大学の論文
- 2006-02-01
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