蘚苔類のフロラ多様性 : 出現種数と地域面積の関係
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Floristic or gamma diversity of bryophyte vegetations were studied for fifteen islands scattered on the adjoining sea and five localities in the mainland of Nagasaki Prefecture, northwestern Kyushu, Japan. A total of 167 bryophyte species on islands and 135 species in mainland were observed respectively. Highly positive correlations were seen between the area and number of species in islands and mainland. The regression equation was log y=0.373 log x+4.212, where y is the predicted number of species and x is the island area (km^2). The correlation coefficient was 0.989. On the other hand, the regression equation in mainland was log y=0.350 log x+5.199, where y is the predicted number of species and x is the investigated area (km^2) in the mainland. The correlation coefficient was 0.969. Moreover, the bryophyte flora in the mainland was larger than the one of the islands at same area scale.
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- 蘚苔類のフロラ多様性 : 出現種数と地域面積の関係