- 論文の詳細を見る
We have researched students' actual condition after two years of technical experience from onsite training by using "nursing technique self-learning note" that was made in this basic nursing area. It helped to read just and refine in-school trainings and onsite training's attainment standard by understanding how much students are experiencing what kind of skills through the onsite training. The realities of experienced skills are as follows. 1. Visits and implementation number of each skill Skills that were operated most by one's own were "Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration measurement","Blood pressure check","Hygienic hand wash","Environmental considerations of the sickbed","Bed-bath" and "Make a bed". Skills that were operated most under guidance were "Temperature, Pulse and Respiration measurement","Blood pressure check","Hygienic hand wash","Environmental considerations of the sickbed" and "Bed-bath".
- 足利短期大学の論文
- 2006-03-01
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