三重県中部におけるイネ科花粉源 : (2)春から初夏の空中花粉の花粉源
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Grass pollinosis has been on the increase over the last 15 years, and it is now urgent that our allergy clinic can identify the sources of airborne antigenic pollens. The aim of this study has been to determine the sources of grass pollen during spring and early summer. Pollen size measurements were taken from twenty grass species that are frequently seen blooming from April to June in Mie Prefecture. The median values of the airborne grass pollens were compared with the pollen size for the grass species we examined. We set a 90% confidence ellipse area for each species, or group of species, and compared individual airborne pollen grains for whether they were within the set confidence areas or not, according to their probability distance (D^2 value). The median values of airborne pollens for 2002 were 35.0 and 30.0μm for the major and minor axis, respectively, and 32.5 and 30.0μm for 2003 and 2004. Among the grass pollen species examined, we were able to select four species as the most likely pollen sources, as their pollen sizes are nearly equal to the set median values. Two areas of the 90% confidence ellipse; one for the Dactylis glomerata and another for the group of Festuca arundinacea, Lolium multiflorum and L. perenne were set for testing. The airborne pollens within either of the two confidence areas were at least 75% for each of the years studied. These results suggest that the main sources of airborne grass pollen during spring and early summer are these four grass species.
- 日本花粉学会の論文
- 2006-06-30
伊藤 由紀子
伊藤 由紀子
伊藤 由紀子
塩谷 格
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国立三重中央医療セ 耳鼻咽喉科
伊藤 由紀子
伊藤 由紀子
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