Community as Partner モデルを用いた地域看護活動 : 第一報 地域アセスメント
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The objective of our study is to organize a suitable care system using the "Community as Partner" model for the aging underpopulated mountain village lacking medical services. As a first step in the community assessment, according to the questionnaries and official publications we reviewed concerning the health and social services, we tried to clarify the problems in the commnity. Data from 200 subjects (aged 20 years and over) was collected through the use of questionnaries concerning the health and social service needs of residents. In total, usable data from 152 subjects (74 males and 78 females) was gathered and analyzed. The major findings from these analyses are : 1. The first need of residents is for medical services. These services should swiftly be implemented within the means of the community. 2. A large number of residents want to go on living in their homes while utilizing social welfare services when they need care. We found that there are varying needs for these welfare services. 3. Residents have a positive attitude toward volunteering for their village and want to serve their community. Activating and systematizing residents' abilities would be an important added resource for the community. 4. Residents also have a positive attitude toward collaborating with the community organization. The process of residents and the community working together and collaborating would enhance the life of residents and increase the strength of the entire community. What has to be done from now on is to develop the planning, implementation and evaluation of the nursing process based on this assessment. Also, the development of a care system suitable to the characteristics of the community must be carried out. This should be done by taking into consideration the needs of the residents.
- 和歌山県立医科大学の論文
平尾 恭子
畑下 博世
弓庭 喜美子
岡本 五百合
弓庭 喜美子
和歌山県立医科大学 看護短大
平尾 恭子
滋賀医科大学 地域生活看護学講座
平尾 恭子
山口大学 医学部保健学科
岡本 五百合
和歌山県立医科大学 看護短期大学部
弓庭 喜美子
弓庭 喜美子
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