Kinetic Parameters of Gross N Mineralization of Peat Soils as Related to the Composition of Soil Organic Matter (Soil Fertility)
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Peat land has been considered as an alternative type of land for agricultural development especially in the tropics. In the present study, the N-supplying capacity, one of the most important soil properties in terms of crop production, of peat soils was examined. Ten peat soil samples were collected from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan. Gross N mineralization in the soil samples was estimated using a zero-order model, and kinetic parameters of mineralization were determined using a simple type model. Soil organic matter composition was investigated using ^<13>C CPMAS NMR. Mineralization potential (N_0), apparent activation energy (E_a), and mineralization rate constant (k) ranged between 571-2,445 mg kg^<-1>, 281-8,181 J mol^<-1>, and 0.009-0.020 d^<-1>, respectively. Although none of the parameters showed a significant correlation with the soil C/N ratio, a negative correlation was observed between the k value and the ratio of the proportion of alkyl C in total C to that of O-alkyl C estimated by ^<13>C CPMAS NMR. The latter suggested that the k values were higher in the peat soils relatively rich in readily decomposable organic matter including carbohydrates.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
眞鍋 昇
BRUSSOW Klaus-Peter
Watanabe Akira
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
Watanabe A
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Purwanto B
Faculty Of Agriculture Yamagata University
Shoon J
Pt. National Timber & Forest Product
Purwanto Bentio
Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University
Shoon Jong
PT. National Timber & Forest Product
Kakuda Ken-ichi
Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University
Ando Ho
Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University
Ando H
Faculty Of Agriculture Yamagata University
Ando Ho
Faculty Of Agriculture Kagawa University
Ardjasa W
Research And Assessment Installation For Agriculture Technology
Kakuda Ken-ichi
Faculty Of Agriculture Yamagata University
Watanabe A
Research Division For Development Of Anti-infection Agents Institute Of Development Aging And Cancer
Watanabe Akira
Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Shoon Jong
PT. National Timber & Forest Product
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