膝十字靱帯の三次元変形とひずみ分布特性 : 有限要素法による超弾性体の有限変形解析(2部 調節)
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Although many studies on the tensile characteristics of the cruciate ligaments, especially of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), have been performed, the differential function and the length patterns of the ACL fibers are still controversial. It is not possible to determine the strain of the whole ACL, because the entire ligament cannot be loaded uniformly due to the complex movement of the insertions. Thus the non-uniform distribution of strain on the fibers within the ACL has not been fully studied. The objective of this study, as the best alternative to the in vitro measurements to date, is to theoretically analyze the change in shape and stress distribution over the entire surface of the ACL when its insertions are moved in three dimensions associated with knee flexion, thereby obtaining the verification of our previously performed experimental results for a pseudo ligament (rubber material). Stress analyses were carried out using the finite element method for an incompressive hyper-elastic material. The nonlinear stiffness relation between the node force and the node displacement for a triangular element was introduced. The Newton-Raphson method was used to solve the nonlinear equations associated with finite element representations of the pseudo ligament. The previous measurement and the present theoretical results were in good agreement. The results included graphic representations for three-dimensional deformation of the ligament associated with knee flexion. The unique advantage of our simulative study was that strain at every point could be obtained over the entire surface of the ligament as opposed to localized strain in specific bands of the ligament. Special attention was paid to the distribution of longitudinal strain as a function of the knee flexion angle. The results demonstrated that strain distribution varied, even along the fiber run, and large strain gradients were observed in the regions near the bone attachments. It was found that distance between insertions introduced serious discrepancy from length along a curved fiber. Variations of strain distribution for anterior-posterior displacements of the tibia were obtained in our simulative study. The net resultant force at the tibial insertion of the ligament was calculated as well.
- バイオメカニズム学会の論文
- 1996-07-25
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