日本の行事食に関する研究 (第1報) : 本学の短大生家庭における伝承調査
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ABSTRACT : We did the actual conditions of traditional conscious investigations of the ceremonial foods in their home as the object of cook charger who are parents' generation (40 - 50 ages) of the college students. Then we obtained the followings; 1) Zoni and Toshikoshi Soba (on the new years Eve) as the ceremonial foods of new year were carried out of more than 78%. 2) The time that people didn't eat ceremonial foods began gradually Showa 50. And it seems that depends on coming of the highly developed growth economy, change of the life circumstances and the growth of their children. 3) Hand made foods which continue to cook now are pickled Chinese cabbage, sekihann, rice cake, Ohagi, pickled ume, ume wine according to the numbers. 4) For the traditional method of sekihann about 80% were from their mother and grand mother and that of pickled ume about 30% were from media. 5) As the traditional foods which we would like to keep, boiling cook, sekihann, pickles, Zoni were above average. 6) The average of the first aid seasonings were 15. Key words : Ceremonial Foods, Tradition of Culture of Dietary Life, traditional foods
- 山形県立米沢女子短期大学の論文
- 2001-12-28
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