「被服製作」授業における学習 (III) : K子の学習活動との関連でとらえた教師の教授活動
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The purpose is to clarify a system of home economics class by analyzing process of study in the class of home economics. This report tries to catch the teaching activity by teacher from the studying activity of students. We observed and recorded a class of making skirts instructed by Ms. Chieko Fujikawa for 2nd year students in Sakaide Junior High School attached to Faculty of Education, Kagawa University from September to November 1985. We observed the class by a method where how a girl student K thinks in her mind is guessed from her external activities such as understanding what she has to do, accepting knowledge, making a plan, checking how she is evaluated, listening, and working. Results were as follows : 1) K understood what she had to do by smaller unit, and worked based on what the teacher had instructed. When she completed the work by the smaller unit, she evaluated herself. She repeated this process several times, and when she completed the work instructed by the teacher, she requested the teacher for evaluation. The evaluation of ""Good"" or ""starting over"" by the teacher decided her direction for the next process. 2) The teacher explained what must be done in the class and the work at the beginning of the class, and then tried to give K the large amount of knowledge. However, K obtained the knowledge from printed matters and teacher independently when she was unable to make a plan for the work. Among which, K accepted the evaluation from the teacher highly reliable.
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