授業研究法の融合モデルの検証 : 数学教材を例にして
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The research method in teaching-learning processes reminds us that the multi-method has been a major model developed by members of taking positions of postmodern or post-positivist perspectives. However, many researchers in education have not inclined to adopt this post-positivist tradition, and so could not get the local, context-dependable interpretation of quantifiable data. In order to have more methodological resources available to help teachers in analyzing mathematics classes of high schools, we examined whether our model combining qualitative and quantitative methods is useful for analyzing the teaching processes. In executing on the quantitative research, we could obtain data in frequencies, co- descriptive, and analysis of variance. So we could examine this experiment on internal validity and reliability. On the other hand, all the qualitative data from interviews, observations and so on were compared, contrasted, and labeled. The learning processes of each student could be deliberately analyzed, referring to the criteria of the trustworthiness, confirmation, and credibility in qualitative data.
- 東京農工大学の論文
- 2002-09-10
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