中世日本語における主格表出と活用の変化 (聖学院大学チャペル完成記念論文集)
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The nominative case particles ga and no have not appeared in sentences with conclusive form (syusi-kei) in Old Japanese. They began to appear in such sentences in Middle Japanese. Case theory predicts that an abstract case should be assigned in languages with no morphological case. Contrary to Case theory, this has not been attested to in diachronic studies of Japanese case particles yet. The theory that abstract cases and morphological cases will be independently assigned should be supported the historical data. The conclusive form (syushi-kei) and adnominal form (rentai-kei) were merged in Middle Japanese. According to traditional studies of Japanese, related nominative case particles came to occur without constraints on forms of verb endings after this change. This paper examines the relationship of forms of verb endings with the occurrence of nominative particles. Ari, or be, and nashi, or negation, had different forms for old and new conclusive forms and adnominal forms. The relationship of new conclusive forms with the occurrence of nominative case particles was more clearly attested to than that of old conclusive forms in the data of the commentaries of Chinese classics (syomono) and Amakusa-ban Heike Monogatari (The Tale of Heike which was colloquaially translated in 16th century). The change of verb endings should be thought of as a clue to language acquisition. As the occurrence of nominative particles evolved, it is thought that changes in these particles was accelerated through language acquisition.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 2006-03-27
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