ディベート「中京大学の教員研究室 (すべての学部) を禁煙にすべきである」
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In May 1999 a smoking regulation was introduced at Chukyo University ; Smoking in buildings was prohibited in principle ; however, smoking in professors' rooms was left to each professor's discretion. A debate on the topic of "Smoking should be prohibited in all buildings of Chukyo University including professors' rooms" was conducted in October 2000 in a class on "Teaching methods in health education" given to juniors. A questionnaire was administered immediately after the debate. The results were as follows : After the debate 84.1% of the participants (judges) was for the proposition and 15.9% against. Approximately 90% of participants did not change their position on the issue by observing the debate. Furthermore, no-smoking in the professors' rooms of the School of Physical and Heath Education was found to be strongly supported by students. Finally, the pro group received a significantly higher evaluation than the con group.
- 中京大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
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