- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to clarify the background of academic controversy about "Teaching Geography in Social Studies", especially focusing on the controversy between Yamaguchi Yukio vs. Kusahara Kazuhiro-Moriwake Takaharu. For solving this issue, a framework for locating any ideas is invented, which enables us to make clear the epistemological differences between Geographcism education and Counter-Geographcism education. The conclusions are followings. 1. They were using the same term : "Teaching Geography in Social Studies (Shakaika-Chiri)", this term however, meant a different theory of Geography Education on both side. This disagreement of definition brought a complexity into this controversy. 2. Yamaguchi uses "Teaching Geography in Social Studies (Shakaika-Chiri)" as meaning of "Geography education considered for educational context or social significance", which intends to promote a geographical perspective. 3. Kusahara & Moriwake use "Teaching Geography in Social Studies (Shakaika-Chiri)" as meaning of "Geography education for social understanding", which intends to promote multi-disciplinary perspectives on one society. Based on these results, the curriculum organization & lesson plans presented by Kusahara & Moriwake are expected to be in more effective for citizenship education compared with Yamaguchi's one, because citizenship education premises the learning by social investigation about structure, function, and issues we form, before the learning by social participation.
- 鳴門教育大学の論文
- 2005-03-04
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- 相澤善雄著, 『地理授業研究』, 古今書院, 2006年, A5判, 252頁, 3,800円
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