- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of female students' attitudes toward the uses of animals. Information was collected by a questionnaire containing 27 statements about various uses of animals. In all, 302 female students were asked to respond to the questionnaire. Students were from three age groups: age 10-12 years (N=96), age 13-14 years (N=107), and age 16-17 years (N=104). The results of analysis of students' responses were summarized as follows. Almost Students (85.7%) didn't think that the conservation of animals was a waste of time. Having this positive attitude to the conservation, female students strongly objected to the use of animals for the research (e.g. vivisection). But these negative attitudes changed with age in terms of the need for human beings. These changes were distinct between primary school pupils and secondary school students. Younger pupils gave sympathetic response to the statement with the phrase of 'to eat' and 'to kill', while older students could make decision about the ethical costs and benefits of using animals.
- 2003-02-28
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