転移癌を知らされた患者への援助 : 穏やかに生を終えるために
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A 65-year-old male was found to have recurrence of cancer during his clinic visit. The male wanted to hear the truth, and was told by his physician that it would be difficult to treat his wide-spread metastatics tumors. I held 7 rounds of interviews with the patient, each one lasting for about 60 minutes. The patient had the misunderstanding that the delay in detection of his recurring tumor was due to his physician's failure to take necessary measures. The patient was angry and vexed about this supposed inappropriate management and poor care he believed he had received. The patient seemed to have misunderstood his physician's position and management techniques for the following reasons: (1) Common signs of recurrence were not found on his CT scans or X-rays. (2) Because the true diagnosis had not been disclosed to the patient, there was a delay in conveying information to the patient concerning test data and the anti-cancer agents used. (3) The patient felt it was difficult to ask questions, of his physician, who had not given adequate information to the patient. (4) The patient had previously been ill-treated by his seniors at his workplace. His reactions to this situation were analyzed on the standpoint of the Kubler-Ross's crisis theory. This results suggested what physician's treatments, his personality, and past- experiences caused the utmost grief to him.
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