材料の触感覚に及ぼす温度の影響(III : 自然科学編)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Temperature sensitivity and pleasure-displeasure sensitivity of materials found indoors were evaluated numerically through tactile sensation measurements at 65%RH and 10, 20, 30 degreees C. 1) Materials were found to be arranged in increasing order of warmth (magnitude of normalized sensory quantity) as follows : cloth・tatami, wood, wood-based material, paper, plaster, plastic, cement, ceramic, stone and metal, with respect to temperature sensitivity at eath temperature level. For pleasure-displeasure sensitivity, the arrangement of materials in increasing order of pleasure (magnitude of normalized sensory quantity) was the same as for temperature sensitivity at 10 degrees C, but tended to be arranged in the reverse order at 20 and 30 degrees C. Furthermore, there were positive correlations at 10 and 20degrees, and a negative correlation at 30 degrees between the normalized sensory quantities of temperature sensitivity and pleasure-displeasure sensitivity. 2) A slight change in the normalized sensory quantity could be observed with increasing temperature without reference to the types of materials for temperature sensitivity, but had three features with respect to materials : steep decreases, slight variations in the range of sensory quantity of about 0 to 1, and steep increases of sensory quantity in pleasure-displeasure sensitivity.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1997-02-28
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