- 論文の詳細を見る
Poisson's ratios in the transverse plane of softwoods were investigated numerically by using the analytical models. The models were constructed by considering the cell arrangement in earlywood and latewood. They were two types of porous models with circular holes, which were made of isotropic and homogeneous mateial. Poisson's ratios of the gross wood were simulated by applying the mixture rule to the laminated composite composed of above models. And also, another models were used to evaluted the effect of the fine structures of cell wall on Poisson's ratio. In the numerical analysis, Finited Element Method was used. From these results, it was found that Poisson's ratios of wood as porous material might be caused by the arrangement of pores and the lamination in macroscopic structure.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1982-12-20
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