氷温貯蔵における食品の保存性について : 魚類の品質に及ぼす貯蔵温度の影響(第一報)
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Using eleven species of fishes, effects of refrigerating storage at 5℃, chilling at - 1℃ and partial freezing at - 3℃ on keeping freshness of fish were investigated. The results obtained are as follows. K value, as an index for estimating freshness of fish, which is a percentage of the sum of inosine and hypoxanthine to the total amount of ATP autodegradation products, ranged from 15% to 30% and then these fishes were found edible raw when we bought them immedistely. During storage of these fishes K values increased up rapidly in accordance with storage temperatures. After refrigerating storage at 5℃ for 7 days, K values of all species of fish reached 60%-80%. From the results of sensory tests, these fishes were found inedible. After partial freezing storage at - 3℃ for 14 days, K values increased up more slowly than those after any other storage. But, after thawing, weight of these fishes decreased remarkably, producing the amount of free drip. The reason of drip was assumed that K value of fish on the market was already much higher than that of fish caught alive, causing permeability of cell membrane and water holding capacity to decrease. K value after chilling storage at -1℃ for 7 days reached 40%-60%. From the results of sensory tests, they were found edible. In addition, changes in quality and the amount of free drip were not odserved so much as in thawed fishes. In comparison with refrigerating and partial freezisg, chilling storage may be appropriate for a homely means of keeping freshness of fish on the market from the results of the present study.
- 東京家政学院大学の論文
- 1985-10-30
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