- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to predict the process of the northern limit formation of the Japanese beech, Fagus crenata, the ecological characteristics of the dominant trees on the beech forests in the district of it's northern limit, Hokkaido, Japan were examined from the view-point of vertical distribution patterns in the climax forests. The vertical distribution patterns of the dominant trees were analyzed utilizing the data from 581 climax forests in Hokkaido. The quantification of the vertical distribution patterns was made as follows; firstly, a coefficient of the rank of stand precedense (CRSP) was calculated as the ratio of the maximum tree height of a given species within the stand to the maximum tree height of the stand; secondly, a coefficient of the grade in the vertical distribution (CGVD) was calculated as the average of CRSP of a given species; and finally the vertical distribution patterns were expressed as the frequency distribution of CGVD of a given species. As a result of the above analysis, CGVD of dominant trees in the climax forests of the Mixed forest zone in Hokkaido ranged from 50 to 85. While CGVD of Fagus crenata was 97 corresponding to the maximum value among dominant trees. The vertical distribution patterns of the dominant trees were distinguished as the five types (Fig. 3,i.e. , ) (1) the Fagus crenata type, (2) the Betula ermanii type, (3) the Quercus mongolica var grosseserrata type, (4) the Abies sachalinensis type, (5) the Acer mono type. Fagus crenata was considered to be a species occupying the forest canopy layer without codominant species. While Quercus and Abies, the main dominant species in the further northern area of the northern limit of Fagus, occupied the forest canopy layer, middle layer and lower layer in the mixed forests. Furthermore spatial distribution of the tree species (Fagus, Abies, Quercus) was discussed.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1988-12-01
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