- 論文の詳細を見る
Mt. Fuji, the highest Japanese volcano lying on the Pacific coast of central Honshu, is deeply separated from the Akaishi Mountains (the Southern Japanese Alps) by the Fuji-gawa River, and connected with the Chichibu Mountains through the Misaka Hills (the lowest gap is about 900m in altitude). The moths collected in the subalpine zone (2,000-2,500m in altitude) of the mountain were listed by INOUE (1971,1975), and the following thirteen noctuid moths are added in this paper as new to Mt. Fuji : Acronicta leporina (LINNAEUS), Euxoa sibirica (BOISDUVAL), Agrotis segetum (DENIS et SCHIFFERMULLER), Ochropleura praecurrens (STAUDINGER), Diarsia deparca (BUTLER), Xestia semiherbida (WALKER), Peridroma saucia (HUBNER), Cuculia lucifuga (DENIS et SCHIFFERMULLER), Blepharita dubida SUGI, Feralia montana (SUGI), Apamea hampsoni SUGI, Leucapamea askoldis (OBERTHUR), Autographa nigrisigna (WALKER). Although no alpine lepidopterous insects were recorded from Mt. Fuji, nine subalpine noctuid moths are distributed on this mountain, Acronicta leporina (LINNAEUS), Euxoa islandica rossica (STAUDINGER), Diarsia nipponica OGATA, Heliophobus texturatus (ALPHERAKY), Blepharita dubida SUGI, Feralia montana (SUGI), Syngrapha ain (HOCHENWARTH), Lygephila viciae (HUBNER). It is worth noting that two of these subalpine moths are distinguishable from those occurring on other mountains of central Honshu. Feralia montana (SUGI) is restricted to central Honshu, its range being limited in that of the natural forests of the Japanese Larch, Larix reptorepis (see Fig. 1). This species is divided into two forms, the nominate pale form (Fig. 4) of the Japanese Alps and a meranic form (Fig. 3) of the Asama Mountains (SUGI, 1981). Mt. Fuji is situated much nearer to the Japanese Alps than to the Asama Mountains. However, the specimens (Fig. 2) collected on Mt. Fuji more closely resemble those of the Asama Mountains in wing maculation than those of the Japanese Alps. It is surmised that this phenomenon is due to the environmental difference of larch forests, that is, the natural larch forests on Mt. Fuji and the Asama Mountains grow on volcanic grasslands and their light condition is markedly different from the dark one on the Japanese Alps where the larches grow in deep valleys. Lygephira viciae (HOCHENWARTH) on Mt. Fuji (Fig. 5) is also different from other Japanese populations (Figs. 6&7) in its darker forewing. Heliophobus texturatus (ALPHERAKY) is very common in the subalpine zone of Mt. Fuji, but it has not been recorded from any other parts of Japan and the Far East. Some moths inhabiting dry grasslands exhibit a tendency to become sporadical in distribution in Japan, so that this species will possibly be discovered in other limited places. The noctuid fauna of the subalpine zone of Mt. Fuji closely resembles that of central Honshu. Its constituents may have invaded onto Mt. Fuji through the Misaka Hills in the glacia1 period. Judging from the absence of the alpine Lepidoptera, the Misaka Hills may have been too low to allow their disparsal onto the high volcano.
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