244 移動マニピュレータによるピンポンタスクの実現に関する基礎的研究(制御とその応用, OS-2 運動と振動のモデリングと制御(2))
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, we will propose mobile manipulator which has wide movable range and new method to predict a future ball position considering spin and friction of air. Our purpose is mainly establishment of basic method to predict a future ball state. It is very difficult to predict a future ball position. As ping-pong is said sport of speed, it is a speedy sport in which players strike together in less than 3 meter court. Hence, prediction must be performed in short time. Additionally, ball is easy to get air drag, and it affects ball dynamics. Especially, when spinning, we have to consider force of Mugnus effect, and therefore we have a lot of parameters that must be modeled.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-09-27
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- 432 ネコ型4足ロボットRunbot2Cの簡易的な走行制御の一方法(歩行・走行,OS-18:計測・評価・診断)
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- 244 移動マニピュレータによるピンポンタスクの実現に関する基礎的研究(制御とその応用, OS-2 運動と振動のモデリングと制御(2))
- 水中移動体の制御
- ジャンピングロボットの姿勢制御