- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine what students had learned through the role-play exercises of the ostomate's care in adult health nursing lecture(perioperative nursing). 78 second grade students at Nursing College, W Medical University were the subjects, who took the lecture that showed the way of nursing for the patients with the problems in the excretion function. After the lecture, having the students write a report of it, we focused on the points, as our analyzing method, that suggested what the students had learned. We divided those points into several categories. The purpose of the lecture was to let the students know the way of exchanging equipment and the method of cleaning skin. Another was to let them think about patients who live with equipment, there were 557 descriptions. What the students in the role of nurses had learned were classified into 7 categories and 21 sub-categories. As for the students in the role of patients, 4 categories and 12 sub-categories. The contents of student learning through the practice were into 2 categories and 7 categories. The average description rate was 17.8 %. It seemed that it was difficult for the students to focus on the social backgrounds of patients. The purpose of thinking about patients who live with equipment didn't seem to be achieved In the future, with these results, it is necessary for us to examine the educational method of role-playing in terms of the devices of teaching, materials and the aspect of QOL.
- 和歌山県立医科大学の論文
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