耐震診断データに基づく木造建物の被害関数 : 加速度応答スペクトルによる一部損壊以上の被害評価
- 論文の詳細を見る
The vulnerability function of wooden-frame houses using the results of seismic diagnosis and a response spectrum was proposed. It employs a probability density function of seismic performance indices of wooden houses, which are separated into an index of horizontal resistance force and other indices. The input seismic motion is evaluated based on an acceleration response spectrum and natural periods determined by indices of horizontal resistance force. The application results to the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake are compared with the damage statistics at the five sites, which have seismic records. Though the proposed vulnerability function is not based on the damage statistics, the estimated ratios for minor and more damages coincide fairly well with the actual damage surveyed by local governments.
- 2003-08-30
- 地震動振幅を用いた基盤地動分布の確率的補間
- 高解像度衛星画像による2003年アルジェリア地震の年被害把握=Detection of urban damages dur to the 2003 Algeria earthquake using high-resolution satelite images
- レベル2地震動の明確化に向けて
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- 21458 QuickBird衛星画像を用いた2003年アルジェリア地震におけるZemmouri市の被害判読(震害評価(2),構造II)
- 23274 2001年芸予地震により被災したRC造学校校舎の調査・研究 : 竣工年と耐震性能の関係(震害、基礎,構造IV)
- 中解像度衛星画像を用いた濃度値確率モデルに基づく被害判読法=Damage detection method based on probability model of digital numbers using middle resolution satelite imagery
- (ERS)
- 耐震補強の誘因と阻害要因 : 地震防災推進施策におけるリスクコミュニケーションの重要性