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本稿は,京都府竹野郡丹後町竹野地区に現存する親別居隠居慣行の実態と,その変遷過程を究明しようとしたもので,丹後地方全域にわたる別居隠居慣行の地域的分布に関する前稿を補足するものである。本稿においては,丹後の伝統的な別居隠居慣行を,他地区に比して,とくに,明瞭な形で存続させていた竹野地区の現状を明らかにすることができたし,さらに,近年顕著に現われつつある伝統的な慣行の現代的な変容過程についても言及した。しかし,最初に意図した重要課題である分住隠居,あるいは,分牌祭祀の慣行については,その伝承を確認することができたにとどまった。これによって,われわれは既存の伝承資料に新しい資料を追加することはできたけれども,その詳細な内容と,その存在条件および社会的機能などの諸側面については,これを充分究明することができなかった。In this article the author attempts to describe the details of the change of the retirement system at Takano, Tango-cho, Kyoto Prefecture. This is a continuation of a comparative study on the retirement system of different societies in the southwestern part of Japan. In the previous paper, the author reported the distribution pattern of the retirement system in the Tango district, Kyoto Prefecture. This system is thought as a survival of a specified type of the old Japanese family system. Even now, most of the villagers conform to the traditional retirement system, and the parents live in a separate house adjacent to the main house which is inhabited by the heir's family. The parents own their proper estate (farmland) separated from the estate of their heir and live on their own livelihood, financially independent of the heir's family. But, the socio-economic backgrounds of this village, which have been the necessary conditions for this custom, have remarkably changed in recent years. As a result, the positive functions of this custom have been almost lost. And yet, at Takano, this custom has not become obsolete and is supported by almost all the people in this village. Now almost all the people has a norm consciousness for this custom, and there are few who have negative consciousness for this custom. Though this custom still persists, there are many variations and some deviations. Therefore it may be said that it is in transition from the old typical patterns, adding some modification. In future, because of rapid urbanization of the rural life, the new pattern will be gradually popularized in this village.
- 大阪教育大学の論文
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- 隠居慣行の推移 (第1報) : 志摩国府の場合
- 内藤莞爾著「五島列島のキリスト教系家族」
- 内藤莞爾著「末子相続の研究」