薄鋼板磁気浮上搬送システムにおける水平方向位置決め時の振動特性変化に関する基礎的検討(昇降装置・物流機械の運動と制御,OS2 交通・物流機械のダイナミクス(振動,制御を含む))
- 論文の詳細を見る
For thin steel plates which are used in many industrial products including those of the automobile industry, we have proposed a magnetic levitation control system and confirmed its realization by means of the digital control experiment. However, in the case in which only the levitation control is applied to the steel plate, it has no horizontal restraining force on the direction of travel. Therefore electromagnetic actuators are installed in order to control the horizontal position movement of the levitated sheet steel. The electromagnetic attractive control forces of the actuators are given for the two facing edges of the levitated sheet steel, from the horizontal direction. In this paper, the suppression effect of elastic vibration of steel beam in the under electromagnetic field is reported.
- 2004-11-30
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