中国学前教育の現状と展望 : 比較教育学の視座から
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In Japan, educational reform is now in the middle of third phase. After a series of discussion in the ad hoc Council of Education, "the Law Concerning the Development of Implementation Systems and Other Measures for the Promotion of Lifelong Learning" was enacted in June, 1990. In 1997, "Programs for Educational Reform" was revised, and the new "Course of Study" was implemented for the sake of enriching "education of mind". Then in April, 2000, new "National Curriculum Standard for Kindergarten" was put into effective. Likewise in China, "the resolution of developing modernization with priority given to economic development" in December, 1978 led educational schemes to expand favorably in spite of some concerns about financial situation. In May, 1985, "Decision on the Reform of Educational System" was announced and the educational reform became full-fledged in order to develop nature and talent of Chinese people. In February 1993, a new guideline for educational reform called "Standard for Educational Reform and Development in China" was issued. In January 1999, "the Plan for the Promotion of Education towards 21^<st> Century" made by the priority reform project was enacted. Under these circumstances, "nature education" was valued and the new concept of scholastic ability, not merely the amount of knowledge, has been gradually recognized as important. While education in China has been promoted along the general reform and scheme plan, pre-school education is now considered important as one aspect of fundamental education (up to the upper-secondary level). To put it more precisely, pre-school education is regarded as 'fundamental' in fundamental education, and it is considered that it can not only be the basement for the life-long human growth, but also play a crucial role for developing general growth of nature and for the promotion of social progress. This rapid progress of pre-school education can be realized along with the fast growth of economy, cultural development, and the improvement of people's living in China. Those are the current situation of pre-school and early childhood education both in Japan and China. We spent these 10 years to interchange research and education with Chinese counterpart and updated the information of pre-school education in China. This paper deals with the comparative analysis between current situation of Chinese pre-school education and those of Japanese early childhood education, particularly in cooperation with Ms. Zhu Shiyuan, Professor of Education at Beijing Normal University and President of OMEP Chinese Committee.
- 鳴門教育大学の論文
浅野 弘嗣
蘇 真
藤枝 博
前田 美代
前田 美代
淺野 弘嗣
景山 雄二
野々村 誠一
淺野 弘嗣
藤枝 博
蘇 真
藤枝 博
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