Optimum Design of Exploding Pusher Target to Produce Maximum Neutrons
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1986-04-20
KATO Yoshiaki
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Yabe Takashi
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Yabe T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
KITAGAWA Yoneyoshi
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Kato Y
Nec Corp. Kanagawa Jpn
Miyanaga Noriaki
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Miyanaga Noriaki
Institute Laser Engineering Osaka University
Nakatsuka Masahiro
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaha University
Yamanaka Chiyoe
Inst. Laser Technol. Osaka Jpn
Yamanaka C
Inst. Laser Technol. Osaka Jpn
Kato Yoshiaki
Advanced Photon Research Center Kansai Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Kato Y
Sony Corp. Tokyo Jpn
Nakai M
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Yamanaka Chiyoe
Institute Of Laser Engineering
Nakatsuka M
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Nishikino M
Division Of Electric Electronic And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Kato Y
Process Research Process R&d Laboratories For Technology Development Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. Lt
Kitagawa Yoneyoshi
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Kato Yoshiaki
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka Univeristy
Yamanaka Chiyoe
Institute For Laser Technology
Nishiguchi Akio
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Nakatsuka Masahiro
Institute for Laser Technology, 1-8-4 Utsubo-Honmachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0004, Japan
- Single-Shot Measurement of Spectral Reflectance of a Soft X-Ray Multilayer Mirror Using a Laser-Plasma X-Ray Source
- Line Focusing and Target Coupling Techniques for The Research of X-ray Laser
- Intense Nickel-like Neodymium X-Ray Laser at 7.9 nm with a Double-Curved-Slab Target
- Optimum Design of Exploding Pusher Target to Produce Maximum Neutrons
- Efficient Spherical Compression of Cannonball Targets with 1.052-μm Laser Beams
- Finite Ion-Relaxation and Nonequilibrium Radiation Effects on Laser-Driven Implosions
- Double-Pass Amplification in Ge Soft X-Ray Laser with a Polarizing Half-Cavity
- Large-Area Optical Coatings with Uniform Thickness Grown by Surface Chemical Reactions for High-Power Laser Applications(Optics and Quantum Electronics)
- Generation of Super-Fast Ions due to Nonlinear Processes near the Quarter Critical Density in Laser-Produced Plasmas
- Two-Beam-Combined 7.4J, 50Hz Q-switch Pulsed YAG Laser System Based on SBS Phase Conjugation Mirror for Plasma Diagnostics
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- Thermally Induced Birefringence Compensation in High Average Power Nd:YAG Laser
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- Compact Temporal-Pulse-Compressor Used in Fused-Silica Glass at 1064nm Wavelength
- Nd/Cr:YAG Ceramic Rod Laser Pumped Using Arc-Metal-Halide-Lamp
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- High Resistant Phase-conjugated Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Mirror Using Fused-silica Glass for Nd:YAG Laser System
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- Performance of Plasma Erosion Opening Switches in High Voltage Pulsed Power Compression
- Jet Formation and Application for Inertial Confinement Fusion Target
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- Observation of Burn and Pusher Regions of Laser-Driven Large-High-Aspect-Ratio Target by α-Particle Imaging
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- Subpicosecond Nd : glass Laser System for Kilovolt X-ray Generation
- Analysis of Pulse Compression with Perturbation Method
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- Pedestal Reduction by Temporal and Spectral Filterings in Chirped Pulse Amplification
- Non-LTE Analysis of Soft X-Ray Spectrum from Laser-Irradiated Gold Plasma
- Spectrum-Resolved Absolute Energy Measurement of X-Ray Emission in 0.17-1.6 keV Range from a 0.53 μm Laser-Irradiated Au Target
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- Direct Interferometric Measurement of Static and Nonlinear Wavefront Distortions of a High Power Glass Laser Beam
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- Model for Cannonball-Like Acceleration of Laser-Irradiated Targets
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- Pellet Gain Optimization of Particle Beam Fusion with Au Shell and DT Fuel Target
- Zone-Plate X-Ray Microscope Using a Laser Plasma Source
- Electrostatic Field Generation and Hot Electron Reduction in a Laser Produced Plasma
- Hot Electron Transport Inhibition and Density Modification due to Electrostatic Field
- Bulk Laser Damage in CsLiB_6O_ Crystal and Its Dependence on Crystal Structure
- Three Dimensional Laser Simulation Code on a Desktop Personal Computer
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- Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Laser-Irradiated Low-Density Xe Targets
- Parametric Studies on the Laser-Diode-Pumped, Thermal-Lensing-Compensated, Mode-Locked, Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser
- Role of Line and Continuum Opacities in X-Ray Transmission Through A Laser-Heated Au Foil
- Localization of Neutrons Generated in a Dense Plasma Focus
- A Simple Method for Measurement of Wavelength Chirping of a High-Peak-Power Laser Diode Array during Pulsed Operation
- Morphology, Structure and Photoluminescence Properties of Zinc Oxide Films Prepared by Excimer Laser Irradiation of Sol-Gel-Derived Precursors : Semiconductors
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- Laser Oscillation of Nd-Doped Silica Glass with High Thermal Shock Parameter
- Development of Nd-doped Optical Gain Material Based on Silica Glass with High Thermal Shock Parameter for High-Average-Power Laser
- Possibility of Ion Beam Pulse Compression by X-Ray Conversion
- Reduced Rate Equation for Atomic Process in High-Z Plasmas
- Impact Radiative Fusion Concept
- A Proposal for an Experiment to Compress and Amplify Ion Beam Pulse by Soft X-Ray Conversion
- Cavity-Type Target and Its Scaling Law in Laser-Driven Fusion
- Ion Beam Pulse Compression by Its Conversion into Soft X-Ray
- Pressure Dependence of Self-generated Magnetic Field in CO_2 Laser Produced CD_2 Target Plasma
- Instability Enhanced Emissions of X-Ray and Neutron in Plasma Focus
- Neutral Debris Mitigation in Laser Produced Extreme Ultraviolet Light Source by the Use of Minimum-Mass Tin Target
- X-Ray Reemission from Soft-X-Ray-Heated Gold Plasma
- Measurement of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Characteristics in Heavy Fluorocarbon Liquids and Perfluoropolyether Liquids
- Energetic Proton Generation in a Thin Plastic Foil Irradiated by Intense Femtosecond Lasers
- Generation of ultrashort UV laser pulse and its application to ream-time vibrational spectroscopy
- Formation of Stable Pinch Column in Focus Plasma
- Neutron Yield Enhancement in a CO_2 Laser Irradiated Plasma Focus
- Two-Dimensional Multi-Lens Array with Circular Aperture Spherical Lens for Flat-Top Irradiation of Inertial Confinement Fusion Target
- Wave Front Control of Optical Components by Laser Ablative Figuring(LAF)
- Infrared Luminescence from Bismuth-Doped Silica Glass : Optical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Ultrahigh Pulsed Magnetic Field Produced by a CO_2 Laser
- Implosion Property of Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Study of Thermal Smoothing by Shock Speed Measurement
- Analysis of Spherical Target Illumination with Partially Coherent Light through Random Phase Plate
- Diffraction Effect due to Optical Noise Sources in a Glass Laser System
- A New Higher-Order Godunov Method for General Hyperbolic Equations
- Cubic-Interpolated Pseudo Particle (CIP) Method : Application to Nonlinear or Multi-Dimensional Problem