Prepulse Effect for Recombining Plasma Produced by Ultrashort High-Intensity Lasers
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Publication Office, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyoの論文
- 2001-03-01
SAKAYA Noriyuki
Institute of Laser Engineering
DAIDO Hiroyuki
Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics
MIMA Kunioki
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Daido Hiroyuki
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
KITAGAWA Yoneyoshi
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
KODAMA Ryosuke
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Gifu University
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
IZUMI Nobuhiko
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
- Line Focusing and Target Coupling Techniques for The Research of X-ray Laser
- Intense Nickel-like Neodymium X-Ray Laser at 7.9 nm with a Double-Curved-Slab Target
- Optimum Design of Exploding Pusher Target to Produce Maximum Neutrons
- Efficient Spherical Compression of Cannonball Targets with 1.052-μm Laser Beams
- Double-Pass Amplification in Ge Soft X-Ray Laser with a Polarizing Half-Cavity
- Simulations of Nanometric Optical Circuits: Open-Type Surface Plasmon Polartion Gap Waveguide
- Generation of Super-Fast Ions due to Nonlinear Processes near the Quarter Critical Density in Laser-Produced Plasmas
- 24pQE-12 Particle-in-cell simulation on proton acceleration using cone targets
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- Subpicosecond Nd : glass Laser System for Kilovolt X-ray Generation
- Analysis of Pulse Compression with Perturbation Method
- Subpulse Suppression of Chirped-Pulse Amplification Nd:Glass Laser Pulse with Time-Predelay Second-Harmonic Generation
- Peak Intensity Enhancement and Pulse Compression of a Picosecond Laser Pulse by Frequency Doubling with a Predelay
- Second-Harmonic Generation of a Picosecond Laser Pulse at High Intensities with Time Predelay
- Pedestal Reduction by Temporal and Spectral Filterings in Chirped Pulse Amplification
- Ablation Nonuniformity on Laser Irradiated Pellet and Collisional Hot Electron Filamentation
- Simulation Study of the Multi-Species Ion Plasma Interacting with an Ultra Intense Laser
- Treatment of Natto, a Fermented Soybean Preparation, to Prevent Excessive Plasma Vitamin K Concentrations in Patients Taking Warfarin
- Experimental Study on Electron Beam Energy Recovery System Using a Laser-Heated Electron Gun and a Multistage Electron Collector for Highly Efficient Beam Application
- Observation of Spontaneous Radiation Emitted by Electron Beam Interaction with Electromagnetic Helical Microwiggler
- Proof of Principle Experiments for Compton Scattering of a Stored Photon in a Supercavity
- Conceptual Design Studies of a Laser Diode Pumped Solid State Laser System for the Laser Fusion Reactor Driver
- Prepulse Effect for Recombining Plasma Produced by Ultrashort High-Intensity Lasers
- An ICA-Domain Shrinkage Based Poisson-Noise Reduction Algorithm and Its Application to Penumbral Imaging(Image Processing and Video Processing)
- Therapeutic effect of a traditional Chinese medicine, Bu-zhong-yi-qi-tang (Japanese name : Hochu-ekki-to) through controlling Th1/Th2 balance
- The role of the intestinal bacterial flora in the neonal period for establishing the oral tolerance in the adult
- Computer Simulation of Nonlinear Propagation Characteristics of CO_2 Laser Pulse
- Zone-Plate X-Ray Microscope Using a Laser Plasma Source
- Numerical Studies of Induced Emission and Saturation of Free Electron Lasers Using a CO_2 Laser Wiggler
- Electrostatic Field Generation and Hot Electron Reduction in a Laser Produced Plasma
- Hot Electron Transport Inhibition and Density Modification due to Electrostatic Field
- Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Laser-Irradiated Low-Density Xe Targets
- Low-Density-Plastic-Foam Capsule of Resorcinol/Formalin and (Phloroglucinolcarboxylic Acid)/Formalin Resins for Fast-Ignition Realization Experiment (FIREX) in Laser Fusion Research
- Effects of Multiple Shock and Thermal Conduction on Mixing Layer Evolution in a Stagnating High-Gain Inertial Confinement Fusion Target
- Shock-Wave-Driven Instability at Material Interface in Laser Driven Implosion
- Quasi-Linear Saturation in Free Electron Lasers
- Nonlinear Effects in Collective Absorption
- Localization of Neutrons Generated in a Dense Plasma Focus
- Design of Modified Wiggler for Higher Harmonic Lasing of Free Electron Laser
- Plasma Focus Neutron Yield Dependence on CO_2-Laser Timing
- Heating of Plasma Focus by TEA CO_2 Laser
- 22aWE-2 Generation of One-Cycle Laser Pulses by Use of High Amplitude Plasma Waves
- 6p-YM-1 On the Theory of Relativistically Intense EM Wave Propagation in Overdense Plasma and the Boundary-Value Problem
- Spatial Coherence Measurement of 13.9nm Ni-like Ag Soft X-Ray Laser Pumped by a 1.5ps, 20J Laser
- Pressure Dependence of Self-generated Magnetic Field in CO_2 Laser Produced CD_2 Target Plasma
- Instability Enhanced Emissions of X-Ray and Neutron in Plasma Focus
- Effects of Spectator Electrons on X-Ray Spectra of Impurity Ar in High Denisty Plasmas
- High-Crder Harmonic Generation in Dense Plasmas with a High Inensity Light Field
- Neutral Debris Mitigation in Laser Produced Extreme Ultraviolet Light Source by the Use of Minimum-Mass Tin Target
- Optimum Design of Power Coupling between Two Dielectric Slab Waveguides by the Boundary-Element Method Based on Guided-Mode Extracted Integral Equations(Analytical and Simulation Methods for Electromagnetic Wave Problems)
- Optimum Design of Power Coupling between Two Dielectric Slab Waveguides by the Boundary-Element Method Based on Guided-Mode Extracted Integral Equations
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- Simulated Output Images of Near-Field Optics by Volume Integral Equation : Object Placed on the Dielectric Substrate
- A Simuration of Near Field Optics by Three Dimensional Volume Integral Equation of Classical Electromagnetic Theory
- Relativistic Electron Fluid Simulation and Studies on Electric Shock Wave Formation(Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, and beams)
- 20pZB-6 Merits of double-cone target for fast ignition
- 20aZB-3 3D PIC Simulation on the Focusing of Intense Laser via Parabolic Plasma
- Fuzzy Control of a Waste Water Neutralizing System(Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems)
- Whistler Wave Trapping in a Narrow Density Trough
- Fundamental Studies on One-Dimensional Cannonball Targets at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Hot Electron Energy Distribution in One-Dimensional Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Energetic Proton Generation in a Thin Plastic Foil Irradiated by Intense Femtosecond Lasers
- Formation of Stable Pinch Column in Focus Plasma
- Neutron Yield Enhancement in a CO_2 Laser Irradiated Plasma Focus
- Magnetic Field Effects on Resonance Absorption
- Ultrahigh Pulsed Magnetic Field Produced by a CO_2 Laser
- Implosion Property of Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Hot Electron Energy Distribution in Spherical Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Measurements of Intensity Scaling of Ablation Pressure at 10.6 μm and 1.05 μm Laser Wavelengths
- Measurements of Ablation Pressure and Mass Ablation Rate Using a Target Pendulum and a Thin Foil Target at 10 μm Laser Wavelength
- Study of Thermal Smoothing by Shock Speed Measurement
- Simulations of Two-Dimensional Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscope by Boundary Integral Equation Method : p-polarization
- C-1-12 The calculation of far-field scattering properties by multiple spheres configuration
- Propagation characteristics of the surface plasmon polariton trench waveguides
- Measurement of absorption distribution by second harmonic and x-ray images
- Reductive Glutathione-Responsive Molecular Release Using Water-Soluble POSS Network Polymers
- Rain Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Multiple Spheres Model (光エレクトロニクス)
- Rain Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Multiple Spheres Model (マイクロ波)
- Rain Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Multiple Spheres Model (マイクロ波・ミリ波フォトニクス)
- Rain Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Multiple Spheres Model (エレクトロニクスシミュレーション)
- Electromagnetic Scattering of Gaussian beams by Multiple Spheres Configuration
- Improved Algorithms for Calculating Addition Coefficients in Electromagnetic Scattering by Multi-Sphere Systems
- Rain Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Multiple Spheres Model
- Prepulse Effect for Recombining Plasma Produced by Ultrashort High-Intensity Lasers
- B-1-1 Localized and enhanced optical near-field on metal-coated dielectric probe of tilted conical shape