Effect of Ferrite Magnetic Wedge on Characteristics of Capacitor Motor under Asymmetrical Voltage Application
- 論文の詳細を見る
The characteristics of the capacitor motor under voltage control are highly applicable to home electric appliances. In this study, the supply voltage controlled by a triac has been applied to a split-phase capacitor motor. The capacitor motor usually produces an oscillative torque with a double supply frequency. When asymmetrical voltages controlled by the triacs are applied to the motor, the voltage and current behaviors are distorted. The authors have proposed a countermeasure of the insertion of ferrite magnetic wedges into the motor slot openings to smooth the flux density pulsation across the air gap. As a result, some significant relationships have been obtained.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1995-04-15
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mining College, Akita University
TAJIMA Katsubumi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mining College, Akita University
ITOH Tadahito
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mining College, Akita University
田島 圭介
Dept. Of Ee The University Of Tokushima
Kaga Akio
Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Mining College Akita University
Yohkawa Norihiko
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mining College, Akita University
Yokawa Norihiko
Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Mining College Akita University
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